11 Jun What Causes Cellulite and Can It Go Away?
There is nothing as frustrating as dealing with unwanted cellulite. Cellulite is very common. In fact, around 90% of women deal with cellulite at some point in their lives. Cellulite can come from hormonal changes, diet, genetics and other lifestyle factors. It is characterized by bumps, dimpling and stubborn pockets in the skin that can make certain areas of the body look unsightly and uneven, instead of smooth.
While many people think that cellulite is just fat, it is much more complicated than that. Cellulite happens when fat deposits push through the connective tissue beneath the skin. This makes it more complicated to get rid of than just losing weight alone.
However, even though cellulite is common—it doesn’t mean you have to live with cellulite any longer. Here at Heritage Family Medicine and Aesthetics, we are proud to offer a number of different treatments specifically intended to treat cellulite. Here are three of our popular cellulite treatment options you can rely on to finally get rid of that stubborn cellulite.
- Coolsculpting
Coolsculpting treatments are some of the most popular solutions available to help you get rid of unwanted fat. They can also help with cellulite as well. Here at Heritage, we proudly offer Coolsculpting treatments for our customers, no matter what area of the body you need cellulite treatment.
- Venus Treatment
Here at Heritage, we have two different Venus treatments available that can help you with your cellulite. Our Venus Versa treatment is a non-invasive FDA-approved treatment that offers non-surgical body contouring and cellulite reduction. Our Venus Skin treatment can help you get more naturally youthful skin, no matter what your age. It can improve skin hydration and elasticity, stimulate blood flow, decrease fat accumulations and enhance collagen production to get rid of the appearance of cellulite.
- Weight Loss Programs
One of the best ways to get rid of cellulite is to get rid of unwanted weight and fat. Here at Heritage, we can help with our weight loss programs. We know how difficult it can be to lose weight on your own, which is why we have industry professionals available to create personalized plans and solutions for you that can help your body get the support it needs to start burning fat. We will come up with a customized approach for you that includes treatments, coaching and innovative add-ons like our Slim Shots, that will help you finally get the results you’ve always wanted.
If you would like to learn more about our cellulite treatments and how they can help you get the results you have always wanted, schedule a consultation with Heritage Family Medicine & Aesthetics today by calling 817-318-7859. We proudly offer a variety of treatments that can help you get the results you have always wanted.