




Juvederm is a popular brand of dermal filler used to improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and facial contours. It is a non-surgical procedure that involves injecting a gel-like substance made of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body, into the skin.


The gel acts like a cushion, adding volume to the treated area, giving the skin a smoother and more youthful appearance. Juvederm is a versatile treatment that can be used to address a variety of concerns, including wrinkles, fine lines, sunken cheeks, and thin lips.

what is juvederm colleyville



Juvederm works by injecting a smooth gel into the skin, which contains hyaluronic acid. This acid is a naturally occurring substance in the body that helps to keep the skin hydrated and plump. As we age, the body produces less of this acid, which can lead to wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin.


The Juvederm gel acts as a cushion, filling in areas that have lost volume due to the aging process. It can also stimulate the production of collagen, which is essential for maintaining skin elasticity and firmness. The result is a more youthful and refreshed appearance that can last for several months.



Our providers know which fillers are best to achieve optimal results for the area being treated. Ask us if you have any questions.

BOTOX (Learn More)



  • JUVÉDERM® Ultra XC
  • JUVÉDERM® Ultra Plus XC





Who is a Good Candidate for Juvederm?


Juvederm is a safe and effective treatment for most people who are looking to improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and facial contours. Good candidates for Juvederm include:


  • Individuals who are looking for a non-surgical alternative to facelifts and other cosmetic procedures
  • People who have fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth and nose, as well as marionette lines and nasolabial folds
  • Individuals who have lost volume in their cheeks or lips due to aging
  • People who are generally in good health and have realistic expectations for the outcome of the treatment.


It is important to note that Juvederm should not be used in individuals who have severe allergies, are pregnant or breastfeeding, or have a history of bleeding disorders. It is also important to disclose any medications or supplements that you are taking, as some may increase the risk of bruising or bleeding after the treatment.

who is a good candidate for juvederm in colleyville?



Book a consultation with one of our aesthetics experts to see if Juvederm is the right filler product for you. At Make You Well DFW in Colleyville, we have a variety of injectables and facial fillers.



Juvederm can be used to treat a variety of areas on the face, including the lips, cheeks, chin, and forehead. It can also be used to address fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth and nose, as well as marionette lines and nasolabial folds.


The lips are one of the most popular areas to treat with Juvederm. The filler can be used to add volume and definition to the lips, creating a more youthful and plump appearance. Cheek augmentation is also a popular treatment, as it can help to restore volume to sunken cheeks and give the face a more lifted appearance.



Botox and Juvederm are both popular non-surgical treatments used to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, but they work in different ways.


Botox is a purified form of botulinum toxin type A that is injected into the muscles of the face. It works by blocking the signals that cause the muscles to contract, thereby reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Botox is commonly used to treat forehead lines, frown lines, and crow’s feet around the eyes.


On the other hand, Juvederm is a dermal filler that is injected into the skin to add volume and smooth out wrinkles and fine lines. It is made of hyaluronic acid, which is a naturally occurring substance in the body that helps to keep the skin hydrated and plump. Juvederm can be used to treat a variety of areas on the face, including the lips, cheeks, and chin.


In summary, Botox and Juvederm are both used to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, but they work in different ways. Botox blocks the signals that cause muscle contraction, while Juvederm adds volume to the skin to smooth out wrinkles and fine lines. The choice between the two treatments will depend on the individual’s specific concerns and goals, as well as the practitioner’s recommendation.



Restylane and Juvederm are both popular brands of dermal fillers that are used to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, but they have some differences.


Both Restylane and Juvederm are made of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body that helps to keep the skin hydrated and plump. However, the specific formulations of the two products differ slightly.


Restylane has a higher concentration of hyaluronic acid, which makes it a good option for treating deeper lines and wrinkles. It is also thicker in consistency, which allows it to provide more structural support and lift to the skin.


Juvederm, on the other hand, has a smoother consistency and is more versatile in terms of the areas it can treat. It is often used to enhance the lips and cheeks, as well as to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles.


Both Restylane and Juvederm are considered safe and effective treatments when administered by a qualified and experienced practitioner. The choice between the two will depend on the individual’s specific concerns and goals, as well as the practitioner’s recommendation.


In summary, Restylane and Juvederm are both hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers used to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Restylane has a higher concentration of hyaluronic acid and a thicker consistency, making it a good option for treating deeper lines and wrinkles. Juvederm has a smoother consistency and is more versatile in the areas it can treat. The choice between the two will depend on the individual’s specific needs and goals, as well as the practitioner’s recommendation.

who is a good candidate for juvederm in colleyville?



In conclusion, Juvederm is a safe and effective treatment for improving the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and facial contours. It works by injecting a gel-like substance made of hyaluronic acid into the skin, which acts as a cushion, adding volume to the treated area. Juvederm can be used to treat a variety of areas on the face, including the lips, cheeks, chin, and forehead, and is a good option for individuals who are looking for a non-surgical alternative to facelifts and other cosmetic procedures. It is important to consult with a qualified and experienced practitioner to determine if Juvederm is right for you.



  1. How long does Juvederm last?


The effects of Juvederm can last between six months to two years, depending on the specific product used, the area treated, and the individual’s metabolism. Touch-up treatments may be necessary to maintain the desired results.


  1. Is Juvederm safe?


Yes, Juvederm is considered a safe treatment when administered by a qualified and experienced practitioner. However, like any cosmetic procedure, it does carry some risks, such as infection, bruising, and allergic reactions. It is important to discuss the potential risks and benefits of the treatment with your practitioner before proceeding.


  1. What are the contraindications for Juvederm?


Juvederm should not be used in individuals who have a history of severe allergies or anaphylaxis, as well as those who are pregnant or breastfeeding. It should also be avoided in individuals with bleeding disorders or who are taking blood-thinning medications. It is important to disclose any medical conditions and medications to your practitioner before proceeding with the treatment.


  1. Is there any downtime after Juvederm?


Most individuals can resume their normal activities immediately after the treatment. However, some mild swelling, redness, and bruising may occur at the injection site, which can take a few days to subside. It is recommended to avoid strenuous exercise and alcohol for 24 hours after the treatment.


  1. How does Juvederm compare to other dermal fillers?


Juvederm is one of many types of dermal fillers available on the market. It is made of hyaluronic acid, which is a naturally occurring substance in the body. Other dermal fillers may contain different ingredients and have varying formulations. The choice of dermal filler will depend on the individual’s specific concerns and goals, as well as the practitioner’s recommendation.


  1. Can Juvederm be reversed?


In some cases, the effects of Juvederm can be reversed using an enzyme called hyaluronidase, which can dissolve the filler. This may be necessary in the case of an adverse reaction or if the individual is not satisfied with the results.


  1. How much does Juvederm cost?


The cost of Juvederm can vary depending on the area treated, the amount of filler used, and the location of the practitioner. It is important to consult with a qualified and experienced practitioner to determine the cost of the treatment based on your specific needs and goals.